the cake is a lie.

That game is pretty sweet.

Getting it now.

Downloading now

me too…nice find

fawk yea… I haven’t played this game in years.

I put this in the MW2 thread awhile ago. Then I remembered Modern Warfare is weak.

Portal FTW. Portal 2 to be released soon. Needz moar Ps3 noaw

I beat it in like 2 hours :rofl
The only one I found hard is stage 18 in the room with the sentry guns.


Nice find! People need to play this game.

I lost a full 2 hours of productivity today because I played this game. Very awesome!

I haven’t downloaded it yet but is this the entire game, or just the very beginning where you’re going through the stage rooms?

It’s the full game

downloaded. this game is pretty sick.
the cake is a lieeeeeee:ahh

My friend actually made a Portal Cake a couple weeks ago… sent me into diabetic shock.

First you will bake, then, there will be cake