Has tons of shit. I got rid of the probe today and need this shit gone too. has 2 full interiors. If you guys need anything you are more than welcome to come by and grab what you want. Im gonna just call the same guy in spring and have him take it away. I got $80 for the blue probe today. So yeah before spring w/e u guys want is up for grabs.
stupid bastard.
Good seller though.
dumb asshole.
$80 bux… how dumb.
You sold the running probe for $80?
It was barly running, had more problems than I was willing to deal with, and if I did not get it out of there today it was going to be towed to a junk yard and I would have gotten nothing. I don’t have the cash to fix it, not do I have all the parts I need for it. It wasnt worth fixing. I wised up and figured I’d get rid of it before I dump another $700 into it. Live and learn I guess. I was paying insurance on a car that wasnt driveable, and I am getting letters from collections, so I said fuck it, I’ll get what I can pay some bills and move on. Sorry you guys think I am stupid for not dumping tons of money into a Piece of shit that was a rip off to begin with. It would have been nice to get more but it got pretty fuvked up from the ball joint snapping. Ripped the Axle right out of the tranny, so there is a new axle/balljoint right there, and the axle on the other side needed to be replaced also because it was shit and the cv boot was totaly gone.
it was worth more than 80 bux is what i said. You should have sold it once you saw what you were getting into… but 80, damn.
yeah I know what you mean. Th guy gave me till the weekend to get it out of there, I called him and got a few days but I had no way of fixing it. I was gonna fix it and sell it but its not even worth the trouble. cuz then i would have to find a buyer, ontop of dumping $ I don’t have into it.
u dumbass
i woulda bought it for 80.
and u have the parts to fix it, everything is on the parts car. EVERYTHING.
u are just to lazy to do it, u know i woulda shown u how to do it.
so now ur gonna be driving ur moms around, and beat the shit outta it.
dude seriously u need to start thinking about what ur doing in ur life and make some serious changes.
after re-reading ur last post " Th guy gave me till the weekend to get it out of there, I called him and got a few days " SO U STILL OWN THE CAR.
get the fucking car at ur house, get ur tools out, get the parts car ripped apart, and swap the shit over. itll take one day, i dont understand why u dont just do it.
seriously josh.
SOmeone else must have typed that for him, but I know what he means.
Just so this doesn’t go completely OT,
Someone please grab this car from him so he can get his life on track, somehow.
too late he ment to say sun as in the 19th not sun as in the 26th
ya alot of ppl would of spent more then $80 for it… me prolly being one of them
That car would’ve taken multiple hundreds of dollars to get running correctly… trust me… me and TPGSR put a clutch in that thing, and it was beat and on it’s deathbed already…
Exactly. Thats what I am saying. it had soo many parts that were in the process of breaking and needing to be replaced it was not worth it.
I find it funny people say it could be sold for more than $80. If that was the case, why didn’t someone else buy it when it was for sale for next to nothing?:shrug:
didnt u pay like 500 bucks for that thing? how did u get ripped off. u think a 500 dollar car doesnt need work ur dumb as rocks. i personally think u should of not been lazy and take the parts off. then gave the parts car to the junkyard for some bill pay and gas. oh well to late. did u get a new car yet?
i would have bought it for 80 if i knew it was for sale.
pics of the front seats.
Sad to see it go…how did it drive when it was good@? Was the steering good after the rack swap? Hey you had a complete parts car with extra iwell who ever got it it would be a good deal now.
after the swap it was still shitty but not as shitty. the thing was a death trap lol.
might be interested in the whole car for free. get bak to me in a pm
I have a spare engine for this car but it doesn’t have turbo or manifold car was quick when I had it.