I have my old stock exhaust sitting in the basement. Don’t know if it can be used for anything/by anyone. If you want it for free–holler, pm me or post in here…otherwise it’s goin in the dumpster and soon…

muffler is heavy as balls (I think 50lbs +/-) and I am not tryin to crawl in that space but you get the picture.

definitely don’t throw it out, i know someone that’d pay 100 bucks for the cat alone
those flexpipes are stock?
yep they are stock. I won’t throw them away long as someone wants them and can come to pick them up…like I said, FREE and PM me for directions 
First person to say they want the parts/pieces, gets them
We are in Wilkins twp, greensburg pike exit if you are coming from town, a few miles past the sq hill tunnel on 376 east before monroeville exit…church hill exit if you are headed towards town…
I hate to throw out good parts/pieces …intake/air box met it’s demise w/ a trash can 2 years ago…
I have the bottom of a closet dedicated to old stock parts, you just can’t throw em out you know?
Yeah I know, its the husband that wants iit gone…he’s not a “car dude” and doesn’t know…
still got em? pm me a nmber Ill come get em
got your pm Ill call you in the morning I work nights so its tough
No problem. What time frame are you available, b/c I work at home so I am here every day, cept for running errands etc. Or I could meet you (have no clue where bellvue is or how far away it is) halfway or something.
what kind of car is it off of id like to put duals on my cobalt like the srt-4’s
Ill call you sunday at 1pm to make arrangments
mods you can close the thread if ya want…it’s been given a new home…
Nice to meet you Joe and hope you can put it (or at least some of it ) to good use