Friday Dec 3rd... Come Visit..

Yea sure we can go with that

suuuuuuuurrrrrreeeeeeee you doo!!! O GOD!!! and I will try to remember remind me closer to then… I don’t see any reason I couldn’t make that unless ofr some reason I am traveling for work again…

mmhhmmm… I am sure that’s what you were thinking! :Idiots

We shall have more epicness

Dont sass me mam, or I will not bounce Friday :rofl

Adumb you had better start thinking up a new drink for this upcoming celebration

Oh Ill one up last years shit, dont worry brah

Need it in a more lethal appearing container like a race gas container

I brought crunk juice to a party once in a gas can, and it almost caused several fights. True story.

I suppose technically Adumbs juice that was housed in a gas can cause a fight because jugz slapped mk430r in the face really hard

O god please don’t get kicked out before you even get in the door…

cool story pjb…

HE SOOO DESERVED IT.!!! wait… come to think of it… when doesn’t he?

You have a valid point my friend

Since PJB>life, I take that as a compliment.

Is Brett coming to this shit-show?

Please, Ill tell HIM to leave :rofl

I will shank every bitch in there

fuck that shit!!! you slapped me!!! not brett. and it was after u tried blaiming me for pushing u when i clearly didnt touch you. u dumb kunt toucher.


LMAO… :hug at least you came and saved me from getting groped in the bathroom by a crazy drunk girl lmao…

lights off

eman- hey whos kissing me?

adam- not me!

katie- hey wtf who is touching me?

eman and adam- not us!

adam- wtf whos kissing me now?

lights on and theres one tall blonde giggling drunk girl whos the suspect.

Good times

LMAO… pretty close to accurate…