Friday Dec 3rd... Come Visit..

Trying to talk the old man into coming out for a little while! Will probably be Friday night :slight_smile:

***** please. you’re in bed every night by 930, right after murder she wrote.

we’re in.

Tell him to come anyways lol



Yeahhhhh Wayne, haven’t seen you **** in forever!

I havent seen most of you in what seems like forever… I havent seen any of you in what seems like forever…

thats because u decided to bail on his birthday party u faggot

i just saw you naked last night. RELAX!

I will be showing my tits ALL night

LMAO :rofl

am sure Sean will love every second of that…


Naturally I will but I am not quite sure why you had to bring me up in this conversation as I find that to be borderline rude

And you know what rude people must do to be forgiven!?!?!?

showdemtits! :rofl

Is legends the place with the bathrooms down stairs with the dartboards? If so i have an insanely gross story about something I saw there

It’s is, do tell.

And Kdubbs, does Matt still work there?

Me, another friend of mine and a chick we know were downstairs playing darts. After we were there, we noticed a lot of chicks going in the mens room. So we look in the womans room, toilet flooded, #1 and #2 in the bowl. It gets progressively worse, guys end up just pissing on the floor in the women room. We told quite a few workers, who all wanted nothing to do with it. So after watching chicks in flip flops and open toed shoes tredge through this, I thought I saw it all.

Some guy comes down with a piece of pizza, and drops it on the floor. It was so nasty he didn’t even pick it up. Someone like 20 minutes later put it on the little ledge. So we continue to play darts, and out of the corner of my eye I see a guy eating the pizza. Look on the ledge- no pizza. I ask him if he just picked up that pizza. Guy says “sorry man, was that yours?” I told the guy what happened with it, and he says “eh, tastes good to me” and eats the entire thing.

BINGO, Knew I could count on you

ive been caught in the womens bathroom getting my NUT on! haha

ohhh sttoopppp … :hug


Yes… he is the manager…

how long ago was this? cuase I know we had a pipe burst recently and that was cleaned up in the matter of minutes as are all overflows that we seem to get from assholes who sneak their own beverages in then try to flush down the toilets…

ohhh soo that’s where you and Lauren disappeared to…

It was late summer 09 iirc

Elevator to the 2nd floor in this bish?