Friday the 13th


I love today, everyone will be on edge, and i usually have a great day.

Friday morning check-in,

5:50 at home getting ready to leave for work.

im about to leave for work been up since 545

been up for like 40minutes leaving soon

that :scared: me!

ehhh just another day

I love it. Usually sci-fi channel plays all the friday the 13th series movies today.
Jason Vorhees > you.

hot mom check in

i mean happy friday the 13th… ooooo im skeered

oooo 7:30 for work yay

i have the box set on dvd :smiley:

gonna be a long night

pics of HOT mom or :ban:

you people are too old for this horseshit, grow up. Friday the 13th movies were horrible, as are the vast majority of horror movies. I think 11 year old girls can get all worked up over Friday the 13th but a bunch of guys on a message board even starting a topic about Friday the 13th is really fucking gay.

have a nice day, homo’s




Old fart…:smiley:

You wont say that when I’m outside your window with a hockey mask on and chainsaw tonight.

i turned 13 on friday the 13th :scared:


x2 to been looking hoping to watch on at work…

jason owns


Early morning check-in…I’ve been at work for about 20min.