its friday the thirteenth


lol very good

Yep, it is. All day too.

and a full moon.

every douche bag on the planet will be out tonight.

its also 4:41pm

no shit

Uhm, Full Moon was Monday night…

And I LOVE friday the 13th… lucky day for me!!!

i have a booger

omgz its 4:44 too!

yea their was a friday the 13th last month too(spelling)

My wife is blaming the date as to why she locked her keys in the car today. I said uh huh that must be it hunnie.

91% full

so it’s also 9% not full

holy shit it’s march!!!1!

Really? I just farted and poop came out.


Tomorrow is Pi day :slight_smile:

Stop thinking of the moon as 9% empty and think of it as 91% full!
