Well last night a black cat ran out in front of my car while I was out for a cruise. I was wondering if a black cat runs in front of your path, then comes back around and you squish it - does that reverse the bad luck? Then I thought, what if a black cat crossed my path, then I ran him over and broke a mirror on friday the 13th. Then I realized that tomorrow (I thought about it last night) was friday the 13th and it was freaky. :eek4dance :
you’re dead and there ain’t nothing you can do about it.
if I die I hope it’s before 5 so I don’t have to work all day.
yep face the fact, give me all your money
Thats all I got! why else would I drive a honda?
ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
sam is running the turd tonight …on friday the 13th