people suck...

so, im at work today, and we are swamped w/ work. no biggie. however, we needed a part delivered asap, as well as dvd rw’s picked up for our system back-up, so i got stuck driving which was cool b/c i get away from work.

so i go to g-burg to deliver the part, then head to new walmart to buy dvd rw’s. go to new super walmart @ old greengate mall…

upon leaving the walmart, i go to the redlight by the tire store/panera bread on top of the hill. i catch the light, 1st in line. no biggie as i had slayer in the tape deck and was rockin out…

about 5 cars make it through the light, and i notice what loooked like something, like garbage, tossed out of the passenger side of a car in the fast lane… big f-ing deal.

yet it was not garbage, it was a tiny ass kitten. this kitty hit the ground, and had no fucking clue wtf to do. i watched this kitten dodge probably 25 cars easily, as it is right in the middle of traffic on rt 30 at 12:30 in the afternnon w/ no where to go, and not 1 fucking car tried swerving or slowing down.

i pull the e-brake on the truck, and was going to grab him-- was just about out of the truck when outr light went green. yet some girl in a white vw jumped out and tried to get him too. somehow this little kitten made it through the traffic until the light went red, then took off like a bat out of hell over toward the tire store. I noticed it’s tail was fucked up and bloody, but that was it.

i hope i was seeing shit and that someone really didnt toss the little fucker out the window… but i definetly seen the fucking kitten scared shitless trying to get out of traffic…

best part was, the mother fucker in the car behind me was pissed b/c i was holding traffic up in outr lane-- fuck them.

if anyone knows the girl (who was hot) and if she got the kitten, let me know if she wants to unload it. as i figure if the fucker can live through that, he deserves to be taken care of. And i allreay got a name picked out for it if i do get it-- Garlits, as in don garlits… find it fitting as he got his foot chopped off from his rail, and the kitty got his tail fucked by a car.

tape deck wtf are those

will continue read now…

seriously now.

that is fucked up

those people deserve a baseball bat to the head, aluminum not wooden

shit, none of my cars ever had a radio let alone a tape deck…

poor kitty :tear:

poor kat cat probly has a good home now.

fucking assholes,kill’em

fucking dickhead pieces of fucking shit!!! i hate assholes like that!!!

and sailor this is my first car that has had a CD player

Go visit the kitty and get some pussy at the same time. :hitit:

that sucks, glad to hear the cat made it out of traffic though.

no radio here, just a nice big hole in the dash

bastards like that need shot

girl in white vw? :naughty:

Someone should find that guy and throw his ass out of the car onto 30.

was it a white vw cabrio? might be my girl going home to her parents in ligoneer mountain. i’m out of the country right now i’ll ask her if she took home a cat from rt 30.

poor kitty! my kitty was a rescue too…I hope it’s ok and that guy/whoever dumped that kitten needs to spend a night or two or three gettin to know “bubba” down at county…

was a newer passat/jetta–wasnt looking that hard

people do suck thats really fuck up , on the other leave to a couple of tree huggers to try and save it, hahaha


poor kitty… :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: