well my day was just great

it started out that the cat we owned for 19 years passed away this morning…i go to work 2 hours early cuz i have the wrong schedule, usually not bad i like my work but i dont’ make a whole lot of money if i dont’ sell anything, today was one of those days…didn’t sell shit those 2 extra hours i was there, then my new water pump starts making noises so instead of going to macs i come home (arguing with jackie) and my dad comes downstairs to look at it and slips (by accident of course) and puts a screwdriver close enough to get caught in the timing belt and took it right around the exhaust cam breaking the belt while it was running.

today could not get any better :blah: :zzz:

that really sucks.


Think it bent anything?

yeah at least 6 that i can see without pulling the head.

DSM = accident prone

get a camaro and all your problems will be over


Kurt, I think It’s time to break down and buy a new car

x2 but i have no room to talk

break down and buy a new car because dad messed up? hardly

shit happens man…we will get her back up & running. i mean we performed a miracle by getting mine re-running multiple times. LOL

i got a nice sonoma for sale :cool:

i thought u weren’t ever gonna sell that?

that’s why you should have that cam gear covered???

i bent some valves this weekend (at least we think)… not on my ride, but it sucks. where is the best place to source a head, sechrist / maroneys??

if the cover was on we couldnnt have found the source of the noise…it was off cuz we didnt’ know where it was coming from… you can’t see the water pump with the cover on (at least where it goes in the block)