scenario: I was sitting on Colvin ave waiting to cross sheridan today as a sat at a red light facing the oil change shop and had the mobil station on my left.
As I am sitting there I realize that there is a car backing out of the mobil on my left and into the street behind me. I didn’t think anything of it, but then the guy who was behind me shot up next to me in the turning lane and looked kinda strange. So I looked back to see the same car backing out of the mobil what looked to be a second time. I kept my eye on it realizing that there was no visable driver in the car and that the car was left in reverse with the engine running and doing circles in the middle of Colvin Ave. The car stayed perfectly in the street and completed at least 5 circles before I got a green light and proceeded on before getting hit by the car. I’m wondering if someone really just was an idiot and left the car in reverse with the motor on, got out and didn’t realize it…or if someone perhaps got hurt in the car and had passed out or something. I was just about to get out of the car and investigate, but once the light changed and there were other people there, i moved on before anything bad happend. Anyone hear about this or see this?!
Wild stuff.