Fridays: Wexford Starlite Cruise

OK guys, a bit of a warning about tonight. We at North Way are hosting Radio Disney’s viewing party for their new movie, High School Musical 2. The cruise is still on to be sure; in fact with the forecast we expect a full lot of cruisers. We will be parking the folks who have tickets to the movie off-site and shuttling them in. As a result of all this, we will be trying to keep a lid on folks parking wherever they want and however they want. We are simply asking for a little patience with our volunteers who will be pretty stressed out.


Jim Zufall
Wexford Starlite Car Cruise

tonight is 4x4 night right??

do 4x4 street trucks count??

Just got in. I got there really late(around 8). Nice turnout as usual.

mustve been right in front of you

Last one of the year this Friday. I’ll be there, depending on what time class ends and how long it takes me to get home

Yeah…but to get there in time…you’ll have to skip school

Nah, Class ends at 11:30. 68 Miles from Cal U to Wexford

zack dont park anywhere near that freakin kettlekorn machine an the nuclear fallout from it :slight_smile:

You might beat me there this time, Mike. You pick the damn spots already. lol

ok this time I’ll be uh “showing” my car so if you see a busted front bumper on a legend with no iterior. Say HI :slight_smile:

I’ll be there

Are you ever not?

This Friday, August 31st is the Grand Finale.

They made an announcement stating that cash and prizes worth $1000 are being given away this Friday.

I’ll be there…


It was just a joke, sorry if it came off otherwise

Does your car have a Power Tour decal at the top of your windshield?

Yep, Power Tour 2007. We went one leg.

So that was your car. I knew it looked familiar.

I still see cars that look like they are from here but idk who is who.

Did you go just to Cleveland, or Cleveland to Kalamazoo?