Fridays: Wexford Starlite Cruise

ok I gotta ask I saw a really tall guy I think he was white and with a little person that looked like the midget from jackass? was that you? if so hi! lol

AFAIK this was the last one.

I was there, by the Bike Nazi entrance. 85TransAm and danhr/SoLow were down the row from me.

An asshole with a GTO? I don’t believe it. [/sarcasm]

Hm. An asshole with a GTO? I can’t believe it.:ugh:

generalize us all why dont you

GTO owners smell too.

well if you have to think if you saw myself or solow… then it might of been someone else… we stand out like sore thumbs…

Yeah, What’s that suppoosed to mean???

Smell like what?

I should have been more specific. New age GTO owners. In my experience, they’ve all had an attitude.

I still want to now who it was!

They probably just dont like people who own Grand Cherokees :kekegay:


Sunday is the BIG ONE at Moon Twp…wil the GTO be ready…?

Uh, no. Something has come up. Maybe I can push it there.

Or people with Mustangs. Or people with 85 Trans Ams apparently.




the only one i have ever met with an attitude, was at norwin hills car cruise, a black 06 pulled in, came over to us, looked in our engine bays, chuckled and walked away… turning around and looking at his car, you could see the intercooler under the front bumper and he had a procharger license plate… one asshole out of the bunch

this one was black

As is mine… my car sat behind the church by the back road all night… no where to park when we got there at 5:30