Fridays: Wexford Starlite Cruise

i might go to look, where do spectators park? Hard to find a spot?

you gotta park up a gravel hill and in a dirt lot. lots of space

pissed… can’t go :frowning:

yea i went, it was enjoyable, although im not that into old cars, after you see a bunch of stock or slightly modded vettes, mustangs, gtos, and camaros youve seen them all.

Although there was a white 60ish camaro with a pretty sick turbo setup on it, that thing was bad ass. Some ofter interesting cars, but for a whole not much cought my eye. But all in all, i will go back.

Lots of cars!! Is there a certain amount of time you have to keep your car there for?
I’d probably only be able to be there from 5-7-ish. Didn’t see many imports there, might as well represent!

Come and leave as you please. There were some imports up on the grass front hill by 19.

looks like rain for tomorrow… oh noes! :frowning:

I probably won’t be around a computer today to update the status of the Wexford Cruise, so give a call to 724-935-6803 Ext. 2222 for a recorded update of the status. The final decision is made at 3:00 PM +/-

Jim Zufall
Wexford Starlite Car Cruise
Co-Host - Car Radio (Saturdays 8:00 AM - FM 93.7, The Zone)

Thanks Jayzee for posting up the number, im sure that will help alot of people out! :bigthumb:

littl chilly there and possible tonight (4.18.)… guess thats why the smaller turnout?

pittspeed row?

Any of the imports up on the hillside near Rt 19 post on here?

there will be a strong turnout from the pittsburgh GTO guys on 6/8… the GTO is the featured car… and were going to bring a whole bunch of late models to the party

LOL, no i’m the only one in that row on PS. the others dont really go on the net.

guessing this was taken before i got there. i was next to the truck and the vette

oh, well nice meeting u.
think I’ll be there with some from this week

Looking like high of 85, and 0% chance of rain.

ill prob have the mustang at work tomorrow. prob stop out after for a little bit

i’ll be out for the show aswell

ill be there around 6