From GTA to ... Table Tennis?

looks pretty good

that actually looks really cool…but i can imagine it’s gotta be hard as hell

cant wait

Better have a “pong-time” time effect for some crazy ass saves.

EDIT: Oh sweet it does. :lol:

Looks cool, but frankly dont see the point., Whats next, marbles, jax and hopscotch??(With Machinguns:))

no comments on the VW ad in there?

u know u love the pong


There is no spoon…

Should be interesting

It’s incredible how much video games have improved in the last 15 years

This game is awesome!

Jack and I played for 3 hours yesterday. It is hard, and theres alot to learn. I still get killed on live

It took us 25 years to go from pong to ping pong.


Fucking fun as hell.

Sure… there is a real table in the garage… but there is no AC in the garage.

Jesper + Focus = FTW

Maybe rugby hopscotch. Now thats a man’s game.