front bumpers?

i have a 89 240 with a pig nose front bumper, i want to know if a chuki bumper will fit


thanks just wanted to make sure before i picked it up

Just so you know

you will need the caps that go onto your fenders to make it look proper

Just a heads up.

where can i get these caps? dealership?

u should get them when u buy a bumper

and if you don’t have them ive got a pair in black.

omg please tell me your car is black? ill effin trade you a black 91+ bumper. jdm yoo…but grills and half clears cost!

let me know sat. people dont understand the freshness of pigggys when the car is slammed.

LOL really i personally think pignoses are disgusting :stuck_out_tongue:

you can get them at the junkyard for very cheap. Or just steal them oO

some one get me a black pignose:(

i have a white pignose with a black lip

how much??

Are you serious if my car was black I would trade u in a heartbeat, i hate pignose…

i got a black and Grey Zenki bumper anyone wanna trade for chuki?

Pig-noses are nice, too many ppl have shark-noses :S

but i can’t hate, jdm zenki and chūki bumpers are nice either way :smiley:

I would trade my bumper for a pignose…white no lip