front page banner/image

Zep I sent this to you in a msg but I’m not sure if it went through. My net connection has been really crappy lately.

Anyway, what do people think of this as a front page pic for now:

Comments? Criticism?

Wow! Sweet shot!

But I’d say photoshop out the “Honda -->” LOL

HHAHAHA nice one Mike.

xuperxero you may have not cought where he was going with this. Hondas belong at the lumber yard.

hahahahhaha honda = lumber yard.

and i like the toronto nissan entrance sign as well.

good work!

lol, yeah hondass = wood :stuck_out_tongue:

Good job though Mike, I think it’s really cool.:smiley:

Yeah the Hondas thing is just a light-hearted joke…
For the record, I don’t have anything against fast or nicely done Hondas. It was just luck of the draw as far as which manufacturer I chose to send to the yard.

Thats not what you’ve told me! :wink:

nice banner, i think the clear one that was up the other day was a bit nicer, this looks a bit like the shot didnt come out properly, but still nice…and c’mon guys dont hate on the hondas, dont hate on any asian car company, hate on the domestics

Nah, the banner is great. Really like the effort on it and the way you made it sketched out. I vote for it. :R

i made up a quick idea.

what you think?

thats nice man… :slight_smile: just diff font hehe

  1. use a better font, the font is to thin and lean it doenst stand out in the buzy background

  2. crop the burger a bit better…

  3. fade the background and reduce the levels so ur brights wont be as bright.

done done done… it will be lovely… i’ma think of a concept as well… :smiley:

i think the pics that spd-dmn took from the first meet is a really good pic. i like this one especially…i saved it to my comp when he uploaded it. anywayz here it is i think this would be great for the banner. i like everything about this picture. what would be nice is (since the entrance sign is cut off) to put " nissan entrance" on top so it would be visible. like he did in the other pic like this one–that would be sweeeet for the banner

lol:R :R nice banner man, nice shot…

a the image i made was just a quick thought i made up before i went to work.
so i could do a better job on it. it was just a rough idea.

and ya i dont really like the font either. was sorta in a rush so just picked one.

whenever i get time il come up with another one. as i would like to get back into image editing alot more like i used to be. il see what i could do, ohh and my gf makes really good images/tags all the time for some fairy girly type site, but she loves it and shes good at it… maybe she’ll make a design for us and il post it up (not saying she will but she might make something for us one of these nights)

anyway thanks for the comments.

lol nice banner man, nice shot…

jec0y, i didnt take these shots spd-dmn took these shots, he deserves the credit

Disclaimer: I dont take credit for taking this pic or photoshopping it… Nor do I take credit for the font used… BUT I DO take credit for making “TNC” Black. :A

The picture… when I saw it… had so much opportunity… I didnt like the TORONTO NISSAN ENTRANCE dealio because it just didn’t seem right…(looked good tho so props to whoever photoshopped it in) and I figured it was too large so I put it to the banner size and added the fonts.

Awesome banner kody!