Fry actually does work...

Not sure exactly how much work he does with his busy Nyspeed schedule, however an order just passed through my desk en route to him over at Praxair. I would post proof, but it has a credit card number on it. I thought this “job” was a smoke and mirror show to fool his wife and he sold crack to kids when his mortgage was due.

And i sit at a desk and do work all day :banghead: Can I have ajob at your place doing whatever it is you don’t do?

take a pic… blur out or remove CC # :slight_smile:


i dont work but i should :gotme:

so does this mean you work?

You guys think I put time/effort into this shit? :uhh:

Quantity over Quality

what work? or nyspeed?

^legitimate question haha.

could always sell cars if things don’t work out…I know a guy who could help

congrats on not selling crack to children to pay your mortgage!!!

:snky: :stuck_out_tongue:
