Fry != Addition? Fry = Replacement?

I think it’s fucking ironic that Zwarbyt, someone bitching to the admin about not getting on top of board upgrades, would be demodded and the issue of trust would come up.

Fucking L-O-L.

i hide things, things eveyone knows, how could i be trusted?

just the other day zerodaze asked if water was wet, i was “fuck if i know”

but really

i did

im strictly in this thread now for fry’s hilarious .jpgs… “red card”

If you were referring to Evo drivers, clearly that is me :rofl:

thanks for the laugh.

So does this mean someone is going to send everyone screen shots of the Mods Only forum, so public support can build around Kevin?

Then there’s going to be a new forum made where attention will be paid to the user, mods wont ban just b/c they don’t like you?

Perma-bans will be handed out only to the truely deserving…a forum where things will be different?



( yes i already made that joke )


i wish i had the screen shots of the beck discovery thread, it was pretty funny :lol:

who was the mod that banned beck?

i banned him once for not posting pics of some girls tits, as a joke

then howie banned him for good i dont know what for


what did he do to howie to always be banned?

read thread

cliff notes?

Im selling a hack for vBulletin 3.6.8 :slight_smile:

wow this is why i need interweb at my house i miss this stuff i really dont think moral on the site has really gone down yes it gets bad when winter comes even back in OG ubrf days but now that the site is a lot bigger…there are more asshats, younger kids and its just what happens… i really dont have a meaningful .02 post sry

kevin cliff’s
fry the new man
bunch of people bitching --dont know why the pages were blocked by work
Zwarbyt not mod anymore

_________ thats all i got i am only able to look at some of the pages from work…if a page has more then 3 fucks i cant look at it any more …

inb4someonejusttypesfuckinthreadssoicantlookatthem ----mindless said he would do this

you know i have yet to buy you a beer this summer my house its a date with beer and you can bring you wife too

OK well I think this thread has served its purpose, and I’m sick of reading conclusions based on speculation. There is no need for this thread to hit 10 pages.

Lets find some other way to deal with the wintertime boredom. :tup: