Nikuk new mod?

saw it in the Huge nerd corner post.

Anyone care to enlighten us on what the fuck is going on?

Fry is this another one of your shenanigans?!?!?!!

holy shit, i missed that one.

Yeah you’re all fucked now.

^ knew you were gonna post that

Next person to finance a motorcycle gets banned?

LOL, Im more for the custom titles when people get annihilated by n00bs.

:tup: nice

I get paid to surf NYSpeed… might as well return the favor?

He’s the new rubicant. :gay:


a mod who mods cars!

hahaah theres worse things, :thumbup: congrads

I too get paid to sit here, im supose to be working but. meh

This is far more interesting.

Can you give yourself voluntary bans now? :stuck_out_tongue:

wow, just wow

he drives, err owns a ford. thats like having a dsm. its just a garage decoration


I mod cars?

PS. Nik has a ford?


I heard Fry and Nikuk were gay lovers.(no ban please)

hes the one that talked me into buying one… hes a silver tongued devil

Do you have to hang out with the mods to become one? Is it like an “in” crowd thing? just wondering