do you have a car thats not frequently modified?

who here has a car that is not often used as a platform to modify, something a little more unique than the more popular cars. and if you do would a local forum dedicated to that particular vehicle and moddifying it be of interest to you? something less broad than NYspeed?.

guess I’d be a canidate for that, nobody modifies FWD sedans because as we all know they’re :gay2: and smell like mothballs inside.

the 300M or the SHO?

There are 1/2 a dozen or so FDs in the area, but there is a HUGE [/fuccilovoice] site dedicated to them internationally


or grand prixs : )

dude gps are slow and/or gay

theres a ton around, and only a handfull of fasTT ones

I think your sig takes you out of the running.

I’m pretty sure what fip is looking for is that strange individual who looked at a Prius and said “I’m going to mod this bitch out.”

Another example would be an Aveo, or perhaps an Econoline van.

thanx JaysGreenLX, you pretty much hit it on the head. the reason i started this thread is i currently run a NYS focus forum, but there are only about 30 members or so, and its not growing as fast as i would like it to, so ive been thinking about opening it up to a wider range of car, but not as wide as NYspeed…aimed more at the less-comonly modded cars in the area.

well, i don’t mod my trailblazer… at least not mechanically. It’s been a test-bed for other crap, and my slave. So, I don’t need a site for it.

That reminds me though, I gotta get a new set of tow straps.

i wanted a fast festiva…

3rd gen eclipse? :wave:
How about a future cheapy project i hope to do in a year or so - Isuzu impulse - haha AWD 1.6 turbo BEATER - what more can you ask for in a winter car.

V6 f-body? :lol:

i drive an Isetta :wave:

You think people don’t mod foci?

lol you’re on crack

haha, yeah. tons of people mod focuses. they just dont talk about it because they are embarrassed.

Not even on FocalJet is there a following around WNY…? unless You really count tint, spina’s, and wings.


I want pics, how much You willing to sell for? LoL

LOL at newman :lol:

haha, JustinH and i… mn12 '89-'97 thunderbirds/cougars/markvIII’s :tup:
like big-ass mustangs, without having to BE mustangs like everyone else :slight_smile:

is this that shit that urkel used to whip in full house?

this is when i moved:

parked at home:

my parents borrowing it for the night: