according to the reference FRY made in accordance to the racism… a 3 day ban will be laid down if racism is intended towards a member…
all i said was “fuckin niggers”
u can’t say nigger on a POS forum?
eat shit and die nikuk ur a pos 
now that i can’t go on nyspeed cuz im gonna get a “permaban” from this fuckin nigger… i might have to kill myself
this site is to important to me
ban me
that is all 
lol you wont be missed my friend…
you’re so cool, pm me so we can hang out and be ignorant together.
woo! i posted! this honda guy sucks at life
I think thye should leave him so we can just mock him. Let the community do the work, hes already proved what a fucking moron he is
wait im pretty sure this is the dumbass who thought his bike was worth $1k more than it actually was?
Really not much else to say but Wow.
he probably thinks he can make a new name and come back haha, isnt happening.
inb4 you have been banned for the following reason’(s):
date ban will be lifted never
LOL actually this is the dumbass who sold his bike for more than 1500 what this pathetic site said ha
o and also… had about 10 kids from this site look at lol
any of those ten members got his info POST IT HAHAHAH
just karter you are the biggest POS on this site… ur poor… and are on nyspeed 24.7
i go on at WORK and am on b/c my sweet ban was lifted at 8pm tonite hah