Fry != Addition? Fry = Replacement?


See, Sherm, you ever heard of this saying?

“It is better to keep quiet and have people think you are an idiot, than to open your mouth to only confirm that you actually are.”

Well - If you consider the couple Auto-Xs and gatherings I do down here with both of my cars, actually, soon to be my 3rd car, then well, you got me, I’m not into cars anymore.

I’ll have to say I disagree with some other statements - and your suuuuurely not just going to come around and believe what I say, so we’ll agree to disagree.

I was a late bloomer, but not one anymore.

Still don’t know how that effects anyone else but myself?

Should I be sorry I don’t sleep with lots of different women?


I can thank Onxy for summing it up.

this was the answer ilc was looking for

Pardon me for not driving to buffalo every month?

give me a break.

You’re not the only mod…

AH! YOU KNOW!! Certainly doesn’t affect (god I hate effect and affect, I’m so confused on the context right now) anyone else. Its just a low blow insult, but just think, you don’t have herpes, the Big G (which I like to abbreviate cause its a pain in the dick to spell, lol puns), or HIV!

interesting thread to walk into on a monday at work…

I remember refusing to join nyspeed for ages because zwarbyt was a mod. then someday somebody randomly said he was only mod of OT so I decided good enough, I’ll sign up.

if you buy me beer, i will be your friend

ummm, last I checked, this is NYSPEED not BUFFALOSPEED. many people here are locals, but as the site expands, it becomes unreasonable to ask that all mods attend meets just to please the 25% of people here that are “OG’s”

Buying beer and saying zerodaze within 20 minutes of each other is like shooting up a bat signal with a beer botel over buffalo for you.

Wow i hear alot of Blah blah blah. Grow up geeze
It reminds me alot of my 12 yr old’s school day

:stuck_out_tongue: It’s wintertime. We need something to focus a disproportionate amount of attention on. It’s called perseverating. My wife taught me that word. She works with autistic children. :slight_smile:

What happened to the days when my “benchracing was > than yours?” ruled the winter forum?

No wonder she loves you so much!


I will bring Mark Harris


hollar. i can never get him out of the house. maybe i need to drink better beer.

i remeber when you always acted like a stuck up faggot who is full of himself

and you still do

“I’ll never join nyspeed”

and you joined because i only modded ot, i’m sure

and this what just came up in conversation? so in real life you sit around talking with friends about who mods what car forums in the area?

how sad for you…

get over yourself, still got the “i have altezza’s” sticker too? BEST DRIVER EVER?
