This guys is damn serious - time cube.

hahaha no i didnt write that. i just laugh when people assume the best theory make is ture. its a theory not write or wrong just someones observation. i just like to live without outside influence. i hate commericals,billboards, etc i think outside the box hard for many to do. pretty much free thinking.

and its a funny read. and i laugh how you compare me to this. im going to compare you to some one.

funny but back to serious matters why do i come accross as someone like this guy? because i laugh when people buy from big corpations? i support local economy because i can see what giving my money to walmart,mcdonalds lead to . theres a mcds everywhere and i bet theres a walmart everywhere. i like organic foods chemical free. i like my water fresh, i like my veggies raw, i want good things for everybody and we are capable of dooing this. but i might seem weird to some but what can i say its just your interpration of me. you havent meet me. atleast i dont think you have. im a good person not trying to brainwash just trying to get you to think for yourself. and idc what you do as long as you remember one important thing…our founding fathers fought against big govt before and they were sucessful why cant i? it clearly states i have right to protect the doi and i will till i die. foreighn or internal. im here to help