petition to ban pitman thread

First let me preface this with normally I wouldn’t make a post like this since this should be an open community. However posts like the one listed below and the general trend of the crap this guys posts anybody else think the community would be better off without him?

Originally Posted by pitman
things die dont be sad when they do or youll be all messed up. obviously you will die too and some will think its sad. but those like me will think hopefully he did what he wanted to do while he had this great thing called time. most decide to watch tv or do something similar with their precious time. time is the most valuable thing i have. should be the same for you.

this should be wake up call for people. do something different or do something you always wanted to do. you only have some many choices while your here. make them usefull and use them to the fullest. so many amazing things can happen in a blink of a eye and people usually blink 3,200,904,000 times in a lifetime according to stats. so make your time worthwhile. do something cool and do something you can have fun doing while you have the time.

people are die each day, some nobody will never know but some did something great and will be remembered for awhile, passed on through stories ,myths and the people.

the great men/women are always remebered and you can make a choice thats makes you one of them. you could be a great person with just some simple choices. you can choose if you want to be good or bad. they are choices just like watching tv insetad of doing something epic. so put down the tv and do something cool while you can.

also dont be scared of death ,the only reason we are scared is because of how we were brought up… back in histiory when civilizations used to scarfice people for gods they were honarable to the people. now if you die you dont know if god will punish you or accept you…so it leaves us in a pinch. we are unsure all the time. dont go out and kill yourself or put yourself in a bad sistution. go out there and do something epic. do something you always wanted to do.

remember time is the most expensive thing you have. time is not replaceable and you cant rewind you can only move foward. so make your decisions wisely and make your moves like everyone counts for the final. everything you choose and do will effect your person.

Support this

as someone who loves the constitution, i’m against this, let him talk, put him on your ignore list (i think those things still exist on forums) but banning him cause he makes crazy posts is dumb.

Most of me wants to support this , his posts are off the wall and shit but its HIS beliefs man . Just like some pray to a so called god it’s there belief ! Just let him be and put him on the ignore list man

this is stupid… he is stupid. two stupids just make more people stupid.

Stupid people make for an interesting forum… If it was all smart people this forum would suck… Lol… I laugh at skidplates shit all the time lol, wud never want him banned

“Deep thoughts with pitman”

The Pitman Files Season 1 on DVD this fall.

Let me preface by saying that if someone disrespected the legacy of my dog passing and felt the need to undermine my sadness with their off base views, I’d be livid. As a dog owner, I sympathize with anyone who has lost their pet.

Now, removing the emotion from the conversation, IMO, putting up a “poll” thread to ban someone over a post made on a public forum is ridiculous. Sure it may be “harsh” and the timing may be perceived as disrespectful, but he’s entitled to his opinion.

I know a few people on here but tend to stay away from these forums because of the hierarchy of moderation. As a VW owner, I compare Shift to a local Vortex. Too much BS, not enough Tits and ALL THE DRAMA. This place reminds me of our government: if you don’t like it ban it.

Ill just continue to stay away.

might las well ban him if you’re just going to delete his posts anyways… people have said worse shit on here about members “human” friends who have passed and there was threads about it. like someone else said “ignore” button.

I don’t know him or the context in which it was posted, but that post didn’t look offensive or disrespectful to me. If anything it sounded like good advice that life is precious so don’t take it for granted and make every moment we have on this earth count. Don’t be afraid of death or you will end up being afraid to live. Also that although we will all grieve the loss of a loved one, we must also be grateful for the time we had with them.

That’s just the way I read it anyway…

how I read it as well…

banning somebody because you dont like them is like Hitler killing the Jews because he didnt like them

Yes… very similar

Folks I dealt with him in my own manner on here. Pushed the wrong buttons with me on that comment but I’m over wasting thought on him at this point. Ad him to you ignore list if needed.


I’m with you on this, i do not think he meant any harm, i didn’t read it that way. Pitman is a crazy paranoid conspiracy theory prepper tho, and that’s pretty enjoyable to laugh at

Do not support OP.

I didnt even think his post in Adams thread was that bad. It’s one of those WTF posts, I didn’t see much disrespect in it.

even in context his comment wasnt (atleast the way I read it) suposed to piss on adam’s situation. He was, I think, trying to remind him to remember the good times he had with the dog, and remind us all that is whats important in life… enjoying it while we still have it.

Freedom of speach is a bitch I guess. He expressed his feelings, in detail. We are entitled to our opinons. I guess we all have times we pick and choose our soap boxes to stand on, I know i do it alot, but shit happens. It not like he came in and said, “good, I bet the dog was a piece of shit” or something.

vote no ban.


I’m too lazy to photoshop