Skidplate Shift no le gusta [SPLIT]


Shift > *

Show some support, Colin. Jeez…


SpeedHunters > Craigslist > SlideNY > ebay motors > shift.

Oh thats nice. :Idiots

Shift fucking sucks. because of all the ethugs and neg rep chodes.


Then be gone. If it sucks so much, why do you continue to post here? No one is making you do it. You’re doing it to yourself at this point.

the worst things about this website are, in order; LKSi, murrdog, capcrew, and d. gage.

Thats not very nice, Colin.
Even with your birthday coming up you should be more respectful of your fellow car enthusiasts.

I didn’t make the list?


Skid keep it up and ill be the one to give ya a break seeing as it sucks ! Stop being a eying Cynthia and leave if its so bad .

No way! Who woulda thought specialkid and PJB had a birthday so close to each other!

im not going to be nice to a bunch of raging douchers.


Shift meet at Buffalo Wild Wings on May 7th to celebrate Colin Case’s birthday!

It really isnt hard to do it here. If you dont know a lot about cars, ask questions… dont try to look like you know what your talking about. If you want to get to know people, trolling them and knowing what cars they own becasue of the posts you stumble on is creepy, go to a G2G or a show/race and meet them. Being able to take constructive criticism is a must in life… better learn that one quick too. Remember that we are not a bunch of young punks, most of us have careers, family’s, experience and dont care to be around stupidity. Call us old, but call us wise.

yeah… that calls for a neg.

you big bully.

it stopped being “constructive criticism” about -170 points ago.

slideny what what.


thats because you egged it on more and more with each successive post.

take it from me, I got my balls busted on here by this chode named MK430R for evvvverrrr. now we are pals. He and I never meant any harm, and it was all in good automotive ball busting fun. He even referred a nice chineese man to my shop that hardly spoke english and wanted a free oil change. hahahaha

I am sure MK4 still thinks I am a chode too. LOL

BTW, thank you Brett for referring the Miata lady asking for a unicorn side mirror repair. I spent 10 minutes explaining what 3M structural adhesive was compared to “super glue” she thought was used to fix broken plastic parts! LOL