what is shifts biggest downfall ?

Be honest with no fear of banning , is it the mods ,vlad , what u think ?

Vlad and the subsequent bannings on Peter, Lance, Brett, and Kevin 50% of the time.

I don’t mean Vlad himself, he’s a cool dude. Just what seems to be his vendetta against all things fun.


Trying to be so new comer friendly and suck all these supposed noobs balls that the website makes it not fun people who make this website what it is

The fact that the site is 80% bullshit, 20% cars when it should be the opposite lol.

Downfall? We are doing better than ever.

Threads stay on topic, new members are welcome, useless BS and personal vendettas are gone and assholes are no longer a part of the community or they just tuck their tail between their legs and hide very well.

Over the last month and a half visiting the forum became a pleasure instead of a chore of cleaning up trash.

Thats the lifecycle of all car forums.

Tuning just simply isnt as cool or wide stream anymore, because most newer cars are lame and have no support and all the older cool cars have been ruined or died

Maybe for you. Most of the reason you’re seeing a member and post spike are because of:

  1. banned users creating new accounts. Some have gone upwards of three or four accounts.
  2. drama, everyone wants to get their two cents in and make sure their voice is heard.

I’d hardly call that better than ever.

I will keep my opinions to myself other than what I just said, and talk about it solely among other mods/admin.

New members are always welcome and always have been. I survived. Useless BS is fun, personal vendettas? Picking a choosing much dude? Slowgto and jellies argue in the tazer thread with threats made against Paul and he was never banned. Brett is the only person you banned who was even a legitimate asshole.

I found this to illustrate the biggest problem on this website.



Yah that kids a dick :hug

I completely agree with this.

I feel like I’m back in middle school with people telling me what words I can and cannot use.

Forget the last few months. Look back farther.

We still had new people come in. many of them stuck around and I would consider new OG’s.

With that being said, the last few months have been a cluster fuck that some how MAY have miraculously cleaned the place up a little in some ways.

Never the less, just becasue something was flipped upside down and shook out over the garbage can, doesn’t mean its perfectly back to normal. It still needs a ton of help and direction.

of course we also need to sit here and realize without a good number of these rules this website definitely has what it take to become a bigger shithole than 4chan

The rules have supposedly always been the same its the enforcement that has changed.

To be fair, that is true. Rules were always there, it’s just a certain person wanted to attract new people so rules were loosely enforced and when they were, certain mods would get a lashing.

OK, last time I’m posting in here.

Cossey do u like me ?


He can’t even say shit either. BAM.

My heart says yes, but my butt says no.

Fuck you both. Making me go back on my word like a BITCH.

:rofl :rofl YES.

If you love john your gonna have to go through vlad first :rofl

I would mainly have to say that the biggest downfall of this forum was Nick Alero being made a moderator.
