what is shifts biggest downfall ?

Besides the fact thats its an automotive forum with very little automotive discussion Ive got nothing. That doesnt even really bother me that much anyways since I havent modified a car in years. Hopefully that will change soon though, having to grow up sucks.

Not enough bacon.


It’s an automotive community forum, not a technical forum. Technical forums are the ones like omgmustang.com and jerkofftoyourfbody.net. If you have questions, they can best answer them. General forums like this are all about friendship and events…

shift fucking sucks now. Wont be around much longer to post here.

im a noob here and if i act stupid i dont care if i get my balls busted thats part of a forum and ppl jyst need to get over it. and there deff needs to be more car talk also but other than that i love this site

people are afraid to say anything funny for fear of someone taking offense to it ang being banned…yeah we poke fun at each other but some people as outsiders looking in take offense to it and get butthurt… honestly, once car season comes around this forum should take off b/c its being better patrolled for trash and useless posts…but, being that were in the off season, we are forced to go on our computers more often looking for entertainment which shift isn’t providing. usally the off season is more laidback and use for bench racing an talking trash. just my .02

Not enough Hondas. Or McLarens.

needs more monte carlos, no more tdi’s

To me this site has always been like a bunch of us meeting up in any random place, hanging out, ballbusting, talking shit, etc.

Not everybody is gonna like everybody or agree with everybody, that should be a given.

Sure this site is centered around cars and our love for them but its really just a big group of friends with some idiots and assholes thrown in the mix.

Its never gonna be anything more than that.

Sure theres some tech help and some members do help others with issues, even fixing them for other members but its more of a hangout spot than a serious site.

Kicking people out because you dont agree with them or coming on here like a hardass and enforcing ‘rules’ once every few months doesnt make this a better place. Alot of us are friends with guys like Brett, Lance and Pete. I dont even know what Lance and Pete did to get banned and Brett was banned for something that didnt even happen on this site. Bullfucking shit.

Is that how you deal with people you dont like/agree with in real life? Vote them off your ‘island’? I didnt think so.

Hmm. I said this in another thread and got jumped on about it.

I like the site for the most part. There is seriousness when you need it and entertainment when you dont.

If something really offends me which granted has not happened yet, I’d simply just avoid the thread or if it was spread out through more then one thread I guess I’d just leave the site.

It’d take alot more then peoples opinions to offend me which is pretty much what this whole forum is.

Old shift = thread created. Replies posted. Esculate to epic.

Not anymore… the ratio of threads created to threads that hit epic status has declined. It was hard to juggle all the craziness and awesome threads that used to happen. Now the current epic thread is about oil… really? Fucking oil.

yeah, that thread bores me to death.

No shit. If you ever have a boner in class read that clusterfuck… you’ll be sure to feel that shit go limp.

I read it as a bed time story

if that wasn’t the first response to my post i would have to kick someone.

I really like the replies in this thread so far , pjb that post you made seemed ghostwritten but if not that’s def the best post you ever made !

I don’t think shift has or has ha a downfall , even tho Vlad has done some things I don’t agree with or thought were the best options… it’s not a big deal at the end of the day

do i honestly think It made the place any better ? well better for him and those like minded yeah , not better for people like me who came to a site like this because it was so open and laid back

thats okay tho, everything will pan out , forums come and go all the time because of this , they rarely last longer than 5-6 years and hit their pick right in the middle of that for a good reason

peak mother fucking autocomplete is shut but I love it at the sane Tyne

+1 on almost all counts. Strong Jellies(?)!