what is shifts biggest downfall ?

yeah I agree with that entire post, impressive work jellies

Not enough diversity

yeah that was a whack post lol diversity can be found here look at nolan , he’s almost black so isn’t that good enough ? lolll

To be fair, because of previous epic threads, each one has set the bar higher for what we consider to be epic. A couple years ago, we’d be like “oh man this is epic! Move it to the epic section!” Now, if we got the same thread, we’d be like “Good thread, but still not epic.”


Totally agree! well put!

Vlad lol

PJB just blew my mind.

Oh shit I didn’t even read his post. Fucking nailed it out of the park. repped

As much as some guys didn’t like how Brett operated as a moderator on here, he definitely made it interesting and since he’s been banned, the forum definitely lost a lot of its excitement.

+rep for PJB.

OH and the biggest downfall is that I had to quit being a mod because people on here are such lillyfaggotcunts. If you can’t take the fucking internet turn your god damn computer off.

I just dislike if I am scrolling with the little scrolly wheel on my mouse and my cursor hits an embedded video it stops scrolling. I’m. Mainly here for looking at pictures, and posting in the random thoughts/funny picture thread. As long as that all stays put I’m content.

This…no need to have dadvlad determine if ur computer should be, in this case…“on or off”. If i took wayne to hart i woulda been off this site after my very first post:lol

Pjb, great post

Vlad, calm the fuck down its only the interwebz…u want ur site to be awesome then stop banning and let the banned back…thats if they even wana come back.

The motorcycle area consist of maybe six guys.

:thumb :thumb :thumb

well these days it seems more evident that people either can’t or are not allowed to make their own choices

at this rate we are going to fed from gov supplied food tubes and be strapped to office chairs with a mouse up our asses

SOPA up in this bitch

GTFO mikeall

i’ll fucking cut somebody.