what is shifts biggest downfall ?

leave him alone sang

Wanna fight brightwit??



lol I was just thinking the biggest shift down fall is the interest on the credit card debt from people buying parts with plastic lololl

shut up and sleep come on why dont you sleep with me …

I understand what your saying, but I also understand why Vlad banned some of the people he did. Honestly I really don’t miss reading MK430Rs douchy posts on the forum anymore and LKSI did go a little over the top bashing on that new guy and he was warned then banned so he can’t really blame anybody but himself. For the comments on what is or isn’t allowed to be posted on here. I think the ballbusting and jokes are all in good fun, but when they cross the line into racial and defamitor comments then thats not appropriate. This is an open forum so in my opinion you shouldn’t post anything that a normal person wouldn’t say in a crowded room full of people. My .02 (also a little more car tech wouldn’t hurt)

Bashing who? Special kid?

He’s prolly talking about the kid with the C4 vette.

So then vlad should be banned for ever based on his own attempt tl gay bash someone who is obviously not gay. Vlad took it upon himself to not make a comment in a thread, but to start his own thread about the gay remarks and went thru and copied and pasted many posts to prive his point. Seems like a very direct way to insult just one person…

who else have you bashed other then C4vettefaggot?

Were not talking about me dopey


no shit.

Huh?? You’re making no sense… this is why you have to get flamed.


Cgrundle deserved it.

I am just super upset about everything. We’re all being repressed!


That Cgrundle guy from what I gathered on his posts he didnt even own a car?.?..? Thought about some ebay worst year ever vette, and some pipe dream fast and furious RX7. I dont remember exactly becasue, well I dont give a shit (<-more of that should happen around here). Also what i remember he also went after Lksi’s brother, so lance defended him. IRC, again I dont remember, I had nothing to do with it.

New people are OK, just not all of them. Thats life. The unfortunate fact of it is not everyone will “fit in”. If they cant take a little joshing around, jump to violence, threats and general piss poor attitudes, or dont respect the community of people WE built here. I have no problem with bullying someone out and telling them to GTFO. It will turn into a land of misfits (even more than it already is lol) and push “good” people away.

speaking of which, wonder how come the lower lot people never sign up here? LOL

no hablo engleis?

that was hilarious, where the fuck did u find such a video

Definitely the oil thread. :facepalm