Been doing a lot of driving lately. Gives me plenty of time to ponder the mysteries of the universe. I haven’t had a chance to research any numbers yet, but when it do it should lift the fog on my thoughts.
I’ve been chewing on America at a very high level. How we got here, where we are, where we are going from here. It’s scary. It only took us 233 years to get here, and in those 233 years our little experiment in democracy has proven to be the most free and productive way of life since the Roman Empire, maybe ever.
But here’s what I’ve been chewing on:
So maybe we shouldn’t have kept our economy afloat via massive deficit spending. Sure that kept us out of massive economic collapse the likes of which the world has never seen, but at what cost?
So how did we do it? Contrary to Jegular belief, we did not create this money out of thin air. We borrowed it from China, did we not? Isn’t China the largest holder of US Treasury notes?
Why did they do it? We’re a massive consumer nation. They need us to buy their stuff so that their economy can keep thriving. If we don’t buy their shit, they die. So they lent us the money to keep us buying their shit.
So we’re effectively in one massive catch-22: We have a massive trade imbalance with China, and now are way the fuck in debt to China to keep growing our economy that in turn keeps growing our trade deficit. Lather rinse repeat.
Now we’re in one hell of a risky position. Worse than our dependence on foreign oil. Any time China wants to, they start selling or at least stop buying our debt. When that happens our dollar starts losing value very quickly. They own the value of our dollar???
On top of that, our debt forces us into a long term alliance with China. George Washington brilliantly warned against long-term alliances in his farewell address. Our own federal policies have to consider our relations with another country. Someone pointed out in the thread about the green energy bill that China is going to cry foul. We’re fucking ours independence that way. Also possibly slipping towards the end of the Cycle of Democracy.
But here’s the thing. China is simultaneously enslaved to us. We are by far the most productive country the world has ever seen, no? So they need us to keep going to keep buying their shit to keep them going. Do they own us or do we own them?
And so where do we go from here? Gotta get out of debt to China so that we can kiss that long term alliance goodbye.
So similar to the US and Russian military policies during the cold war, our economy and the Chinese economy are assured by mutual desctruction. But what does this mean for us in the long run? Doesn’t an alliance like this fly in the face of the principles that got us here?
I dunno, it’s not simple. There is no black and white. But a system like ours seems to mandate existence on the brink of destruction.