FS: 06 Kawasaki Ninja 636

Ill probably still have it, only have it on here and my friends front yard once in a while…

If I had known this hadn’t of sold back then, I would’ve bought it. Dang. GLWS

BUMP. This and my Jeep are up for sale. I found a great deal on a new DD…


It has, I believe, 81xx miles on her now.

Edit: I will have some more recent pictures from today up later. Nothing has changed other than mods added

Attn: UBEngineering. buy this now.

god i need to get rid of my gsxr1000 first

id do a straight up trade thats all i can do right now until i sell it, which is prolli wont for a while, a loans np for me but im not owning 2 bikes

editx3- one the phone with a potential buyer

Put it away for the winter. I’ll buy it when I get my tax return

dream on bitch

I want my 636 back :frowning:

what ryan said.

Ok so I have enough cash for this and I have a garage space rented for this winter…

soooo you already had a 636… but you couldnt handle it :frowning:

Timing wasnt right. Wanted to pay off my old car, moved, started a new job… ugh I sound so lame.

ill buy it shrives, and u can leave it in my garage… ill take over the payments until spring when i get my tax return back… and ill pay u off :slight_smile: i dont need the title or registration… its winter time, i wont be riding/registering it…

Lets make something happen peoples!

payments = fail

what are you talking about. this isn’t a payments takeover?

4750 Cash and take it away…

50 a month till its paid off or i default… deal???

I’m gonna start charging rent for garage space lol. Gimme a buzz shrives, I’ve lost your number

haha, its only been a couple days honkie! Ill text you tonigt, ill have my dirtbike/boxes out this week buddy.

I do owe money on this, but it’s through a credit union and it’s for less then half the asking price, just to make things clear with everyone thinking otherwise…

Took it out last night and heading out on it now. She rides perfect :slight_smile:

you are more than welcome to leave the bike in my garage… just make sure you leave the key… that is just in case i need to move it lol