All info here:
Also includes 2 downriggers, have both transferable titles, and boat was just registered so it is good till 2010. If you have a motor laying around or can fix this motor this is a great deal!
July 31, 2008, 10:14am
fuck, that is a killer deal. Just need to find a block really.
I wish I could justify it ATM.
Should sell fast.
that is definitely a great deal for someone looking to get into boating on the cheap
Wow that’s awesome. Cheap as hell too. I’ll pass since I don’t need another hobby ( expensive hobby ) but :tup: to whoever buys it.
^^ dan wont buy a boat now … i just got one a few weeks ago…lol
July 31, 2008, 10:33pm
i need to come home a go on it.
can you bring a keg on a boat?