FS 1991 240sx coupe with rb20det

hi there i have a 91 240sx coupe with rb20det
silvia s13 front
new fmic
walbro pump
lots more i cant think of lol
open to offers right now
pics on the way

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yea man, whats the price your asking?

Wow, 1 full week and no reply.
I’m curious to know the price! Where is this guy?! What a great salesperson.

sorry i have been gone away working
i think it is sold for 7 grand dont know for sure yet though

holy shit. 7 grand?

must be some 240…

^^ yes it is

read the specs more clearly… it’s a 240 w/ an rb20det

well worth it’s price

ya there is a dozen people after it

Ladies Please!?!

I might be interested! Can i see some pics?

kms on new engine?

Let me know some more info!



will arround 10000kms on the rb20
100000 on car
5 speed

how can you sell a car without pics

interested…plz send pics to ryancrx@rogers.com