FS:1992 VW Corrado SLC

Give it a little more time untill christmas is all done with and people know where they stand as far as funds…

yeah I know this is not the best time to sell a car, especially one that would be more summer oriented and with the holidays. I really wish i could keep it but it’s just not in the cards right now.

and thanx Shrives for puttin some pix up for me:hay: <3

bump for a shitty dude.

Wow. Very nice Corrado. Wish I had the funds.

:hay: :gay2: :gay3: :gay:

bump cuz jay sucks at gay chicken:roll2:

this is a nice car i helped him rebuild it and its fast too i can contest to that, i out ran a sheriff car on pleasant with this thing, car takes turns at like 70mph without a problem.

i <3 this car.

i’d rather have that white mk 2 in the background…pause…not. buy this car it’s siiiiq.


mk2 sexytime!

bumpin back from the dead. still for sale I’d be willing to entertain offers, within reason.

this is the only VW i can appreciate. good luck buddy


this most definitely needs to be sold.

bump :rant:

i have a used condom here i’ll give you for it <3

EDIT: or just trade me your broken one. ;lasdkjfa;ldskj hasdhhdhdhdhahahahahahahahahahahaha


i have a used condom here i’ll give you for it <3

EDIT: or just trade me your broken one. ;lasdkjfa;ldskj hasdhhdhdhdhahahahahahahahahahahaha



