- i bought it 2 years ago with a blown motor i replaced the motor this year for $375 and once again it blew! should cost about 300 to fix it. it has a newer track with 144 studs, and triple pipes. the bad: motor seized, hood cracked and so is the windshield.asking price $350 firm but i need it gone as soon as possible so i can pick my car up from hybrid.
- hpi rs4 remote controlled car 1 year old brand new motor with about 5 tanks of gas ran through it dynamite pipe 2 spare bodies and a few extra parts runs awesome and is very fast comes with radio and everything needed to run asking price $175 b/o
the sled is a 750cc by the way
Any pics of the sled, Do you know why it blew the second time or have an idea of what is exaclty wrong with it?
i dont have any pics of the sled but i can try and get some on. as for the motor i was riding it and the motor just died and i went to start it and it wouldnt go i honestly dont think it was any thing to big because there was no boom and no metal shavings in the exhaust also the piston dont look to be in bad shape through the exhaust ports