FS: 1997 Audi A4


Looks really nice for a 1997.

Ughh i hate bosch spark plugs, they absolutely blew in my 97 1.8t, hopefully the lack of FI makes it better.

GLWS man, I’m even a bit interested… Just wish the interior was black.

Black would have been nice, but I couldn’t find one when I was looking. I could always spray paint it black for you!:roflpicard:

Wow that looks pretty immaculate! GLWS!

I’m pretty sure this has Fuel Injection :picard:




beautiful car



:picard: to thinking he meant fuel injection :picard:

Yeah, its in excellent shape. I wish I could keep it to use as a winter beater, but I need the money more than I need the car. I would really like to have it gone in 2-3 weeks, but I wont get my hopes up!

fuck that thing is hot, if i could sell mine id deffinitly be lookin at this, then again id be lookin at onyx’s range rover too lol

Yeah, if I could keep it I could. I love it and its amazing in the snow!! Plus it has every creature comfort imaginable. I might try throwing it on Ebay again, but I haven’t had too much luck in the past.

<----- Failboat on my behalf ^^.

FYI the 2.8 is a beast and that AWD system is unstopable. These are very very reliable cars. Although if I recall correctly they did not offer heated seats in these years, which is something every car needs :slight_smile: GLWS

I owned one of these before my b6 a4. and let me tell you they are tanks.
2.8 is the slowest, least moddable motor on the planet, but its reliable

Mine has heated seats! And they are amazing on those cold days! The AWD is absolutely amazing, I couldn’t get stuck when I tried (on ice). The 2.8 from what I hear is amazingly reliable.

-Leather Interior with heated front seats
says it in his post

bump for cash offers…need this gone

Have an offer for a trade that I might take, but really need the cash!

I’ll vouch for you Ted :slight_smile: The car is very nice, rides great, is very well maintained, and those heated seats are pretty damn sweet :slight_smile:

In all seriousness though it’s a very nice car and bump for a good and honest seller.

$3500? i know you want more but its not that bad of an offer.Plus its a 3 hour drive for me.

^You have a PM