time/place to check it out? pm me please. Thanks!
PM sent
the buyer flake on ya?
just hold out till the weather breaks man. your better off.
He texted me sayin he was waiting for his dad to get home from work, i called an hour later, no answer. Oh well, his loss, its a damn good deal. I have 2 other guys coming to see it tomorrow most likely.
send one my way if they don’t want your car!
Lol if one of these guys buys it, ill refer the other guys to your car.
Aaaand SOLD!
price? details?
Lol yes really. Kid came and took a look at it wednesday afternoon, thursday he called and said he wanted it for sure. This morning his dad wired the money to my bank, and is giving me the rest of it in cash. I’m paying off my damn creditcard, and putting the rest toward a down payment on a t/a or formula.
6000 was the final price.
come on bro I was going to take it from u
nice color combo glws