FS: 2 cheap home computers

1 Gig of ram
20 gig HD
Onboard sound
Comes with 8meg Video card, can include a Radeon 8500 64 meg Video Card for another $20
2 USB Ports
56k Fax Modem
Game Port
CD Rom

It plays Battlefield 2 on low graphics settings (When I had a Geforce 5200), Battlefield Vietnam, and tons of other good games just fine. Great computer to start off with.

$380 obo

600mhz P3
384 megs of Ram
6 gig HD
2 USB ports
CD Rom

Great for internet,email.

$120 obo

I can get upgrade parts for cheap, PM me and we can work something out.

Thanks for looking,


  1.3ghz P4 AMD

i didnt know that Pentium made AMD computers!

Hahah yeah yeah. My REAL computer is a mac. I’m a noob when it comes to hardware.

so do you still want the vid card or not?

im sorry im a computer nerd, i had to say it!!