FS- 2 way lsd

oh you douche your car doesnt need to be moving until next year now dont sell your diff haha

wow, thought the drifter guys would be all over this

It hasnt even been 12 hours since you posted. :stuck_out_tongue:

part the rest of the car out… while u are at it… :butthead:

hahahah well if thats the case :wink: ill take the body kit :stuck_out_tongue:

lol in your dreams becks

HAHAHAHAHAH aww:( :lol:

This is EXACTLY why his car will never be finished. Buy stuff, sell stuff, buy stuff, sell stuff…

I’m tempted to make a bet that he will NEVER get the car going!

alright i will tell you the truth

i need to pay off this speeding ticket thats $280 on thursday i am going to get an extention on it. such a bull shit ticket.

omg i hate bull shit tickets, but what can ya do?

i entered a construction zone and than started to slow down, he hit me at 22 over and i even rolled up going 50

Do you know the name of the lsd? Make/model?
And what does this mean? "no axles needs since its a 6 bolt "

you can take out your open diff and install it without new axles

diffs come in 5 and 6 bolt and usdm cars are all 5 bolt and you need axles or some mods

i don’t know the exact name but like i said i was installed in a car and was proven as a 2 way

blah blah blah laurier just sell me all your parts and go watch people drive cuz you will never get to drive your car again! also FUCK the ticket…dont pay it! just keep getting extensions!

love you :wink:

I am intrested in this blew mine up :stuck_out_tongue: lol

not for sale anymore