FS:2006 Trailblazer SS

yea but the cars that these people finance are no where near the price hes asking most cars on here sell for way less than half of that

:lol: :lol:

so true

yeah, AWD or RWD version?

AWD, and to my knowledge i dont believe you could get the tow pkg on the 2wd…

That a hell of a deal :slight_smile: If I wasn’t dead set on saving up my money and getting a house, i’d buy this in a heartbeat :frowning:


I don’t even have 17k total on my car after two years.


I have a 2006 that I have 22K miles on, bought it new, and didn’t drive it for 5 months last winter. I would be right where he’s at, only double the MPG :slight_smile:

SS = Super Slow

Actually for an SUV that can tow its not to bad, obviosly its no sports/extoic car but for a Daily its hott!

lemmie guess, your buddy does not want to pay for gas for this hog anymore, and they wont give him shit for a trade in because its a gm and is not worth nearly 25k…

buy anyways, glws…

=) looks clean

how do you figure its not worth 25K they are almost 50k brande new 34k miles and 2 years old thats half the price there are regular trail blazers and jeep grand cherokees 2-5 years old that still go for over 10k that is not a bad price at all for one of these

lemmie guess, youre pulling an asshole move and trying to thread crap in FS

  1. I have sold them

  2. I get auction reports every week

  3. Its a GM, it does not matter if he spent 100k on it, it wont be worth dick in a few years, i.e. this car…

  4. From 10/19/2007 at the auction there were 5 Trailblazer SS’s that went, NONE were purchased for more then 21,500… and ALL have under 25k…

  5. I do this for a living, Nice truck; yes, but not worth dick…

anyways, GLWS

not thread shitting, just stating facts, dont like it :massmoon:

my guess is that he is one of 2 things…

  1. Crazy upside down, looking to get out…

  2. Payoff is 25 (or a little less) and is looking to get out of this turd…

when will people learn that american made cars do NOT hold there value… :sigh:

No actually the car is paid off, this is one of his 1/2 dozen cars that he no longer needs/wants, also he’s friends with the owners’ of Towne and they are doing him a favor. Good try though mister i know everything. If you have no intentions on buying please do not post usless crap to stray others away from this sale. Thanks for the free bumps though!

Also were everyone of those SS’s AWD, tow pkg, extremely clean, and offer a free CLEAN carfax? Not to mention I personally feel the price is right on track being its listed thousands below KBB. Take a look.

yea at the auction for 21,500 then what you go and upsell them to around 25-29 right my uncle used to do this all the time and also when you get a good deal like 5k for a car that is worth 15K im sure you dont sell for 5k now do you.

i agree…when i see high miles like that i think highway miles (ie: constant speed). a car with 100k miles could be in much better shape than one with 35k miles, all depends on who the owner was


i wasn’t joking, i’m sick of seeing this crap on here. you don’t like the price, don’t post. whats so hard about this?

^^ Sorry guys, I like this truck allot. Chuck has one, and I like to pick on him. No harm meant, glws.