I’ve got the one been sitting in the corner, and one in the car still. I need room in the garage, soon.
The engine in the car started running on 3cyl a couple weeks ago now, I couldn’t figure it out and didn’t care as I was parking it for the winter anyway. Plan was to redo the gaskets on the engine in the corner, and steal the front cover off the one in the car. So, thats what the buyer can do If you buy the one in the car, I’ll throw in the other one on the cheap.
Includes - Harness, ECU, gearbox.
Asking 350$ obo, 250$ without the other engine… But I really need them gone. Engine in car will be pulled as soon as I have a buyer and a hoist… 175$ for the corner engine alone, so its a good deal
I can be reached through PM or MSN.