FS: 4.3L V6 longblock

I know few details about this motor. But here’s what i’ve been told. Has about 7500 miles on it. Its an ACDelco shortblock with a pre-94 top end.

Cast iron non-balance shaft 4.3L block, Delco tag still on it with Model# & Serial#. stock flat top pistons, stock I-beam rods, stock 2bolt main caps. Heads are cast# 14094768, pre-vortec, so they won’t bolt to a 96+ intake. they will bolt to a 95 and older intake. stock 1.5 rockers, cam is unknown but my best guess would be its 179/195 with 351/386 lift. Also a set of Vortec composite valve covers if you want them. The oil pan has a bung in it for a turbo oil return, so you’ll most likely need another oil pan.

NO water pump, NO balancer, NO flexplate, NO motor mounts, NO drive accessories, NO intake, NO distributor.

Motor has run on 20psi of boost. It has been sitting for 1 year. It was removed in 100% functional condition.

$300, no shipping, pickup only.








is it a turbo block with nodular main caps?
