Hey, for sale i have
Two 10" rockford fosgate Punch DVC’s, old skool subs, handle 400 rms, 800 max each, and they are underrated.
I have a custom ported box for these (dual), that was ported to the specs in the subs manual.
then i have
two 10" MTX subs, they are two different models, not as extreme as the rockfords but still nice subs.
For these i have a dual bandpass box with the flexiglass front.
All four subs and both boxes for $200… the subs cost $200 each back when i bought them! They were top of the line from Stereo Advantage, they were compared with the Infinity Kappa Perfects.
email at [email=“paparoach_311@yahoo.com”]paparoach_311@yahoo.com or just drop a pm
^^ bump… still available…
no really i still have this stuff somewhere…
no pics right now, i guessi could tak esome if u really need… or u can stop by and see it in person…
bumping this up becuz someone stole my radar detector and i need the money to replace it… 
possibly interested in the fosgates pics would be ideal though
… yea… i’ll have to get out the camaera, tehre mounted int he box, did you want a picture of front and back of em or just a pic of em mounted in the box will suffice?
back up again, i’ll throw in a 1 farad digital capacitor as well… still 200 bucks, it has a slight “dent” on the one side but worked fine when removed… or i would be willing to trade for a good radar detector since someone stole mine recently…
prefer a escort 8500 x50 or a v1 but will consider whatever.