FS: 42" projection TV

i bought this a week ago off of some kid he said it all workes fine, but for some reason i can not get cable to work. iv been playing my ps2 on it for the week and both speakers work, the picture is pretty good, the screen does have a crack in the middle about 4 inches in length but dosnt affect picture at all. its a Pioneer all black with 2 speakers belowe the TV. The black wood finish could use some work. IE spots r warn down scratches on it. O and one of the 4 wheels on the bottom broke. I just dont wanna mess around with the thing anymore. maybe someone on here knows more about TV’s and could fix it up. i paid $200 for it would like to get as close to my $$ i bought it for as possible, also willing to trade it for stuff. NO I DO NOT HAVE PICTURES NORE CAN I GET ANY. I DO NOT HAVE A CAMERA BUT WILL TRY TO GET ONE AND SNAP A FEW PICS. please pm me or aim me at llink58, i live in S.Buffalo

Do you have a model number or anything so that we can look it up on google?

ill look