fs:70,000 btu multi fuel torpedo heater

i used this heater like 5 times when i was at my aunts garage my garage is heated and i forgot all about it in my basement heres the link to it http://www.masterdist.net/allprohea…sene/pk70t.html

all i want is $75 its sitting at my house im in georgia but my sisters b\f said he’d get rid of it for me so just pm me and ill give you his cell

How many threads are you going to make for this one?

theres only 2… my mom just wants it gone i dont live there anymore and she said shes tired of my shit taking up space

Ill give ya a hefty $40 for it. Let me know david

come get it this afternoon and its yours

what about that black accord @ your grandmas friends ? are u just gonna let it sit there lol…i need a winter car

its gone gary bought it and its sitting at my house