FS: 8 xbox 360 games

I have 8 xbox 360 games for sale. My xbox broke and I am not buying another so I might as well sell my games. The games are:
Nfl Tour
Saints Row
Forza 2
Burnout Revenge
Smack Down vs Raw 2007
Tiger Woods 08
Just Cause
Tony Hawks Project 8

All games are in very good condiion. I would like to sell all these games as a bundle for $60 or trade for a set of hid ballast with built in igniters. Im driving around wih 1 headlight right now because i think i blew a ballast. call/text me at 997-0931

Where were the H.I.D.s from?

hids were from ebay. there only like 3 months old lol. my driver side is out so i changed the bulb, but no luck. it has to be the ballast. sale pending but i still need a ballast if any1 could help me out

Sorry im going off topic, i had ebay HIDs and one bulb would turn on and flicker then shut off. if thats the problem then you have a bad bulb not ballast. Donno if that helps.

the bulb does nothing at all, and i tryed new bulbs. def the ballast

willing to part? lol

interested in tony hawk and burnout
