fs: 87 300ZX Turbo

nice ride-fast
5 speed
fully loaded
digital dash
approx 160k
strong motor
command start
totally stock
$5200.00 OBO
contact me on my cell 907-7948 or PM me
come by and take a look and make me an offer

come on people this is a nice car
any offers out there at all?

new price
4995.00 OBO


nice ride-fast
5 speed
fully loaded
digital dash
approx 160k
strong motor
command start
totally stock
$5200.00 OBO
contact me on my cell 907-7948 or PM me
come by and take a look and make me an offer

come on people this is a nice car
any offers out there at all?

new price
4995.00 OBO
