FS: 88 CRX Shell and more

tommorow is another day lol

LOL…you ass

I told you what to do if I talk about trading/selling it lol

I’ll tell you what to do.

Let me know.

I have monies.

Anthony, honestly I’d take that money from mingle and just bank it.

You’re going to need some money btwn when continental closes and you get a job elsewhere closer to school and your apartment.

Just looking out for you.

So wait you made yet another fs thread for a car you are not going to sell?

so is the fmic FS

Mike talk to Terreri, he still has an intercooler for $100.

Terreri?? like 716 one or a diff one

Just to confirm…the shell is NO longer for sale?

no it’s not…I’m done posting in this thread.