FS: 900mhz G3 Apple iBook

Its about 1 and a half - 2 years old. Bought at London Drugs.

900mhz G3 Processor
40 Gig Hard Drive
Upgraded 512 Megs of Ram
32 Meg Video Card
1 Firewire
VGA Output
Audio Output

Computer works for Gaming, Internet, Email, and everything else. Graphics for gaming aren’t amazing, but they work.

I run Adobe Photoshop, Flash 8 Professional, Adobe GoLive CS, and 3 other smaller programs at the same time with no hourglass or other problems.

Computer has never had any problems. I leave it on for weeks at a time (just put it to sleep) with no problems.

I’m selling it because I want to upgrade to a G4.

I’m asking $850 for a great computer.

Thanks for looking!